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Why Conducting a Corporate Wellness Program is Important

“Healthy Workforce is Productive Workforce!”

In each and every industry, employee health affects more than just medical costs, it affects the productivity and profit of the Businesses. Employees are invaluable assets of any company and promoting their healthier behaviors can really pay off. It also ensures that an employee feels a sense of belonging and remains faithful to the company. It’s for these reasons that workplace wellness is such a hot topic right now.

The Best Practice and easiest way to achieve this goal is by introducing Preventive Healthcare in the corporate culture which are measures taken to prevent diseases rather than treating them.

Even though the advantages of an employee wellness program may be hard to see at first glance, employees who are healthy usually bring a range of benefits to other employees and to the companies they work for. Here are some of the benefits of an employee wellness program.

  • Reduces health risks and costs
  • Increases overall productivity
  • Ensures High employee morale
  • Improves recruitment and helps retent employees
  • Reduces absenteeism
  • Reduces work-related injuries

We, “Shreeji Healthcare Consultancy” are keen on implementing Healthy Workforce Culture, hence we came up with a Basic Health Check-up Package for your employees. Our Test Parameters:

  • Physical Examination and case history
  • Random Blood Sugar(R.B.S)
  • BMI (Body Mass Index)-Height & Weight
  • Blood Pressure Check

If your employees haven’t been to regular check-ups, it’s time to take charge and pick affordable regular Health Check-up Packages. We also offer Customized Health Check-up Packages in Vadodara for your employees.

Get in touch via 6354721824
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